giovedì 21 febbraio 2013

...The Politics Show:The Italian Voyage...

Il Teatrino della Politica:Siamo Tutti nella stessa Barca! We're All in the same Boat!"...In the Politcs Show the Italian P.M resigned;so here's the Highlights of his short Voyage from the beginning to the end, Enjoy! "Aurè,alza il Sipario e facci ridere con il Tuo Teatrino"-"Aurè do raise the curtain and let us have a smile!"...Haha... La Partenza...In Culo alla Balena Carlo Magno!... The New Italian P.M. his here!..."C'mon Guy, board the Ship and let's Sail!"...haha... una volta sulla Barca il Prof. CarloMagno sale in Cattedra e dà Lezione di Economia, ma il risultato è Soporifero:E'la solita ricetta!...haha...The Italian recipe to defeat the Crisis is the usual one: Austerity,more Taxes,more boring,so Sleep-inducing recipe!...Haha... Oh Nooooo...the Boat is under Attack!...the hungry Finance's Sharks are eating our wallets!...I Gattopardi della Politica,gli Squali della Speculazione Internazionale ci stanno hanno già svuotato le Tasche e alla fine finiranno per Rubare anche i nostri Sogni! Desperate Time! Siamo a Mare!...The Crisis is in the Wild...Our Wallets are Empty, but the Fat-Cats seems being even Bigger & Powerful! Oh Nooooo!...They have followed a wrong ship's course and the Boat is Wrecked due to the Crisis!...Haha... Desperate Time, We're living in a new Babele Era: All against All..."The Great Crisis come from the Eurozona Countries!"-"NO, Crisis did born in U.S.A.!"-" No, the Crisis is still here because Eurozone Countries has a wrong Economy Politic!"...and so On...It's the Politics Show! Ohhhh NOooooo!...The Crisi's Fire is burning our Ship even Bigger & Wider!...let's try to put out the Fire! riuscirnno?...Haha... W Obama!...It's the Dawn of a wonderful day for Humanity?...haha...let's see... -Hello Friends!...Here I'm again!...Eurozone Leaders have You fixed the Ship?...Yes?.so Now, Let's Sail again! Oh Noooo!...Nihil sub Sole Novum...The Endless Crisis is still Here!... The Fiscal-Cliff Storm in USA and the Hurricane Recession in Eurozone Countries...Desperate Time again...haha.. Italian Coup de Theatre: Burlesquoni said "No" and the the P.M. did resign,the Boat return to the Harbour!...someone say of "Ship of Fools", qualcuno parla de "la Nave dei Folli!"...Haha... Which one do You like most?...Please, share Your opinion...Thanks and Ciao!

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Taxes and sinking boats - it's a universal truth just now.

Have a good weekend Aure.

Unknown ha detto...

nice job !

Angela ha detto...

great job!
like it )

Angela Donava

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