martedì 26 febbraio 2013

...Sicilian Blind Date with You...

Let's enjoy a Romantic blind date at candle's light...Tu e Io, shall we?...I'll prepare for You an exotic,afrodisiac, luxury dish of Sicilian "Pasta e Pomodoro"...haha...but Warning, because it will won You Heart...after having tasted it You cannot live withou!...haha...;)

Pasta e Pomodoro is a simple yet Luxury dish as it reveals a very special, rich, unique,intense mixture of Sicilian tastes, perfumes, colours...just waiting to be enjoyed and never forgotten.
The recipe, Io la faccio così: Ovviamente per fare il piatto a regola d'arte deve utilizzare soloingredienti dl territorio.Pasta di grano duro siciliano, Pomodoro "Siccagno" coltivato naturalmente a pieno campo senza irrigazione suo sapore è inebriante, afrodisiaco, aspro, deciso, acidulo...molto differente dal gusto omologato e dolcistro de pomodori che mangi normalmente.
Preparazione: sbollenta il pomodoro per qualche minuto, quindi passalo al setaccio. Metti la salsa così ottenuta sul fuoco aggiungendo: uno spicchio d'aglio (se ti piace), un pizzico di peperoncino, mezza cipolla tagliata grossolanamnte, olio extravergine di oliva siciliano, un pizzico di sale marino.
Fai bollire a fiamma bassa per una decina di minuti fino a quando la salsa è ristretta, ora aggiungi foglie di basilico.
Cuoci a parte gli spaghetti e una volta pronti al dente versa nella salsa e amalgama Voilà: Buon Appettito!
Questa è la versione più delicata, se vuoi un gusto più deciso accompagna la salsa con fettine di melenzane siciliane fritte  parte.
Have You ever enjoyed Pasta e Pomodoro at your location? Try my recipe?...Please share Your opinion, add a comment Thanks and Ciao!

giovedì 21 febbraio 2013

...The Politics Show:The Italian Voyage...

Il Teatrino della Politica:Siamo Tutti nella stessa Barca! We're All in the same Boat!"...In the Politcs Show the Italian P.M resigned;so here's the Highlights of his short Voyage from the beginning to the end, Enjoy! "Aurè,alza il Sipario e facci ridere con il Tuo Teatrino"-"Aurè do raise the curtain and let us have a smile!"...Haha... La Partenza...In Culo alla Balena Carlo Magno!... The New Italian P.M. his here!..."C'mon Guy, board the Ship and let's Sail!"...haha... una volta sulla Barca il Prof. CarloMagno sale in Cattedra e dà Lezione di Economia, ma il risultato è Soporifero:E'la solita ricetta!...haha...The Italian recipe to defeat the Crisis is the usual one: Austerity,more Taxes,more boring,so Sleep-inducing recipe!...Haha... Oh Nooooo...the Boat is under Attack!...the hungry Finance's Sharks are eating our wallets!...I Gattopardi della Politica,gli Squali della Speculazione Internazionale ci stanno hanno già svuotato le Tasche e alla fine finiranno per Rubare anche i nostri Sogni! Desperate Time! Siamo a Mare!...The Crisis is in the Wild...Our Wallets are Empty, but the Fat-Cats seems being even Bigger & Powerful! Oh Nooooo!...They have followed a wrong ship's course and the Boat is Wrecked due to the Crisis!...Haha... Desperate Time, We're living in a new Babele Era: All against All..."The Great Crisis come from the Eurozona Countries!"-"NO, Crisis did born in U.S.A.!"-" No, the Crisis is still here because Eurozone Countries has a wrong Economy Politic!"...and so On...It's the Politics Show! Ohhhh NOooooo!...The Crisi's Fire is burning our Ship even Bigger & Wider!...let's try to put out the Fire! riuscirnno?...Haha... W Obama!...It's the Dawn of a wonderful day for Humanity?...haha...let's see... -Hello Friends!...Here I'm again!...Eurozone Leaders have You fixed the Ship?...Yes?.so Now, Let's Sail again! Oh Noooo!...Nihil sub Sole Novum...The Endless Crisis is still Here!... The Fiscal-Cliff Storm in USA and the Hurricane Recession in Eurozone Countries...Desperate Time again...haha.. Italian Coup de Theatre: Burlesquoni said "No" and the the P.M. did resign,the Boat return to the Harbour!...someone say of "Ship of Fools", qualcuno parla de "la Nave dei Folli!"...Haha... Which one do You like most?...Please, share Your opinion...Thanks and Ciao!

venerdì 15 febbraio 2013

...Funny Politcs street-adverts...

Il Teatrino della Politica, The Politcs Show!...Once again in Italy there's a Politics Crisis and the next week will be the Election-Day...the streets are full of the usual & boring Street-Ads feat mostly Men Candidates...but the most Picturesque & Funny Ads are here...Enjoy!
Here,In Italy the Crisis is in the wild..."Vote for Me as I promise to bring You Prosperous Years!"...Haha...

In Italy there's the Recession, the GDP is Down, Negative..."Vote for Me as I know how to turn It On!"...Haha...

Dear Reader,Please, keep in mind the true message of my Art: Let's Vote for a Woman Candidate-Vota per una Donna! At the next Politics-Election I'll vote for a Woman Candidate and I do hope that the next Italian P.M. will be a Woman...I think that Women Politics Leaders,in All Countries of the World,is the Key to hope in a better World...What about? Please, share Your Opinion...Thanks and Ciao!

giovedì 7 febbraio 2013

...Woman:the Sun of Life!...

"Bedda! Bedda comu stu Suli svampuliatu!" anonymous Reader of the Blog write me:"Aurè, so please, write something in Siciian language, make us dream!"...Ok,You asked for it, there You go..."Miiiiizzica chi si squacchiusa! vasamu i manu e chi ti facissi sanghu!"...haha...does it sound nice to You? have You understand the meaning?...I guess it's easy to understand as everbody in the World could understand the Heart's language, the words of lets play,what's the meaning in Your opinion?...write and lets see...Thanks and Ciao!

lunedì 4 febbraio 2013 Sicilian Your Erotikon?...

Un sondaggio svela che l'Erotikon delle Donne Italiane è l'Uomo Siciliano...per via del suo alone di Esotismo, Mistero, Ironia,Passionalità,Carisma,Romanticismo,Originalità,Teatralità,vena anche per via della lingua Siciliana che trovano assolutamente Intrigante, Sexy, Pittoresca, Irresistible...Evviva!...hahaha.. They say that the Italian Women Erotikon is the Sicilian type of Guy...because he's Exotic,Passional,Ironic,Sexy,Debauched,Cruel, Seductive,Intriguing,Picturesque,Original,Charming,Different...and also Italian Women are crazy about the Sicilian language...they find that the sicilian words sound so Irresitible, so Sexy!...Hurray!...Haha... Maybe that the Sicilian Guy is also the Erotikon of Worldwide Women?...What about?...Have You (Have You ever had) a Sicilian Friend, Boyfriend, Husband, Lover?...Would You like it?...Please, share Your opinion about...let's see...Thank and Ciao!

venerdì 1 febbraio 2013

...The power of Love!...

Ah...l'Amour!...che cos'è l'Amore?...qualche volta ci fa soffrire, piangere, disperare, maledire, ci fa anche ridere, sognare e ha il magico potere di farci vedere tutto in positivo, tutto è possibile!...What's Love?...sometimes make us suffer, cry, despair, hate...but also make us smile, dream and make us see all things in a positive way: All is now let's Falling in Love!...haha...Love is the Key, Isn't?...What about, Please share Your opinion, let me know...Thanks and Ciao!
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