mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012
...Love & Humour at 2013 Eve!...
"Ma Cara...non credi sia arrivato il momento di presentarmi ai Tuoi e di farmi entrare dalla Porta?!?"...Hahaha...
Auguri di Felice Anno Nuovo, Happy New Year!...
...full of Humour and Love!...
mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012
...Buon Natale!...
Here's my Christmas Tree to say You: Merry Christmas wishes!...
Hope, Fraternity, Friendship, Peace, Love ... Joy to All!
sabato 15 dicembre 2012
...Joy to All!...
Concertino Natalizio, Come on Let's sing..."Joy to All! Joy to All...Joy to fat People that do Christmas shopping and Joy to Miserable People that do Christmas dreaming...Joy to All...Could Christams give a Hope to all Desperate People of the
World...Joy to All...Joy to All!"
mercoledì 12 dicembre 2012
...Do empty the Arsenals!...
In Italy the Crisis is in the wild, but our Politc Leaders want to buy new Armaments, They want to upgrade the Death Arsenal with newest USA War-Jets for a budget of millions of dollars!
...Unbelievable! ...Disgusting!...We're Indignados!
What do You think about? Are You Indignados too?
Let's Explode The Peace!...LOVE not War! Our Politics Leaders should learn from past Leaders....Dario I King of Persia told "I dont bring the War, I offer Peace, Collaboration, Fraternity!"... ...This's the way to build a better World... So, Lets empty the War Arsenals!...tell to Your Local Politcs Leaders, tell to Your Friens around the World... Please, share Your opinion...Thanks, Grazie e Ciao!
Let's Explode The Peace!...LOVE not War! Our Politics Leaders should learn from past Leaders....Dario I King of Persia told "I dont bring the War, I offer Peace, Collaboration, Fraternity!"... ...This's the way to build a better World... So, Lets empty the War Arsenals!...tell to Your Local Politcs Leaders, tell to Your Friens around the World... Please, share Your opinion...Thanks, Grazie e Ciao!
giovedì 6 dicembre 2012
...Let's enjoy The Politics Show!..
Le petite Theatre de la Politique, Il Teatrino della Politica...che Spettacolo avvincente! racchiude tutto in sè Commedia, la Tragedia,la Farsa e allora che si apra il Sipario! so let's raise the curtain to enjoy the Show! ...Ahahaha...
Oh Nooo!...The Fiscal-Cliff Storm in USA and the Recession Hurricane in Eurozone Countries...The Endless Crisis is still Here!...
L'anno sta terminando così come era cominciato...con la Crisi, con lo scontro di potere Democrazia-Finanza.
Saranno in grado i Grandi Timonieri di salvare la nostra Barca dalla Tempesta?
Will be able our Leaders to sail the Ship over the Storm in the 2013?...
What about in Your Location, is there Crisis too? What You think about? Please,share Your comment...Grazie, Thanks and Ciao!
Remembering the Happy days when the Ship was sailing fast in the sea!...Ahahaha...Enjoy the funny Aurè's cartoon titled "The Voyage of the World's Leaders"...Ahahaha...Tell/Tweet a Friend about the above Cartoon...make Him/Hher smile...Grazie e Ciao!
venerdì 30 novembre 2012
...Pane e Pomodoro!...
Sicilian Bread & Pomodoro! Pane, Olio e Pomodoro...è l'emblema della Cultura Contadina Siciliana, della Mediterraneità: è il Cibo più semplice ma...è Poesia, Amore, Eros, Felicità, Sensualità, Magia...è la Gioia di Vivere!
The Recipe, Io lo faccio così: Prendi "U Pistuluni" un filone di Pane Siciliano ancora caldo e fragrante di Forno, spaccalo a metà e privalo di un poco di mollica...Impregna entrambe le parti con Olio di Oliva genuino Siciliano, prendi del Pomodoro verace Siciliano, il Pomodoro della tradizione è il "Siccagno", e sfregalo sul Pane in modo che sprigioni tutti i suoi afrodisiaci umori, se vuoi aggiungi un pizzico di sale e una foglia di Basilico...Buon Appetito!
...Do You like it?...Please, share Your comment, Grazie,Thank You and Ciao!
domenica 25 novembre 2012
...The Art-Bags Collection...
Your Fashion Dream is Wearing the most exclusive Bags...Being the Only ONE to wear that Dream Bags! ...Now to satisfy Your Fashion Dream AURE' did create the "Art-Shoes". . . Enjoy!
What Bag would You like to wear? the above "Sicilian Bag"? or maybe the following ones?
Enjoy the "Corda di Raffia, Rafia Bag"! do You like it?
Enjoy the "Vampe di Fuoco,Fire's Flames Bag"! do You like it?
Enjoy the "Sicilian Style Clutch"! do You like it?
...What Bag would You like to wear? Quale Borsa, Colore, Stile ti ha Emozionato?...Quale Borsa vorresti indossare?...Please, share Your comment...Thank You,Grazie and Ciao!
mercoledì 21 novembre 2012
...No more Wars, PEACE Now!...
Why?...Perchè tanto Orrore? Perchè tanto disprezzo della Vita Umana?...eppure siamo Tutti sulla stessa Barca!...War,why? why?...we're All on the same Boat!...Our Politcs Leaders should learn to say one word: PEACE!...We're Indignados...Another World is possible!...what about? share your opinion,leave a comment...Thanks and Ciao!
venerdì 16 novembre 2012
...Sicilian Arancini:I Love You!...
Gli Arancini sono un emblema della tradizione culinaria Siciliana. The Sicilian Street Food has a King and His name is the "Arancini"...taste it and You'll fall in Love forever with the seductive Sicilian Cuisine...Enjoy!
The Recipe, Io li faccio così: Cuoci il Riso con l'aggiunta di un pizzico di zafferano per dare il colore Oro, scolalo bene al dente e disponi su un piano di marmo a raffreddare.
Prepara un Ragù con piselli, a fine cottura aggiungi un pizzico di farina sciolta in acqua in modo che il Ragu' si rapprenda, fai raffreddare.
Preparazione: prendi una manciata di Riso e allargalo sul palmo della mano bagnata, prendi una noce di Ragù e ponila al centro del Riso e comincia a chiudere in modo da formare una palla di Riso con al centro il Ragù.
Passa l'Arancino nel pangrattato e friggi in abbondante olio...gustali caldissimi...Buon Appettito!
Esiste anche la versione al Formaggio: al posto del Ragù metti del formaggio, pisellini e pezzetti di prosciutto e dai all'Arancino la forma conica.
domenica 11 novembre 2012
...Gattopardo Siciliano Art-Shoes...
Vuoi provare il Brivido,l'Estasi di sentirti una DEA Siciliana?...Ora puoi: Indossa le Scarpe "Gattopardo Siciliano" by Aurè!
...Would You feel like a Sicilian Goddess?...Now You can:Wear the "Sicilian Leopard Art Shoes" by Aurè!
Every Girl should own a Shoes that makes Her feel like a Goddess...What about?
martedì 6 novembre 2012
...The Politics Show: W Obama!...
Il Teatrino della Politica:We're All on the same Boat!
Viva il Presidente!!
- Hello Friends,Amici! Here I'm again!. . .Eurozone Leaders, the Global Crisis is almost over, have You fixed the Boat?. . .Now, Let's Sail again ! -
..It's the Dawn of a wonderful day for Humanity!?!...
What You think about?
lunedì 29 ottobre 2012
...Halloween Sicilian Cakes:Frutta Martorana...
Ti sembra un normale cesto di frutta siciliana?...No, è la migliore espressione dell'Arte Pasticciera Siciliana:la "Frutta Martorana", dolcetti di Pasta Reale modellati e dipinti come se fossero frutta vera.
What about? is It a basket of Sicilian Fruits?...You're wrong, It's the best expresssion of Sicilian Patisserie, almond paste cakes called "Frutta Martorana".
The recipe.Io la faccio così:Prendi delle Mandorle siciliane, sbollentale per qualche minuto in modo da poter togliere loro la pellicina.Aggiungi una eguale quantità di zucchero, trita grossolanamente e fai passare più volte fra i Rulli in modo da ottenere una pasta omogenea e compatta. Ora, con l'aiuto di stampini o a mani nude, a seconda del tuo talento, modella piccoli frutti: un'Arancia, una Pesca, fico d'india, peperoncino, pomodoro,una fetta di Anguria...fai riposare per un giorno, quindi dipingili con colori commestibili come fossero frutta vera.
Gustali con un Passito o Marsala.
Do You like Frutta Martorana? Have You ever enjoyed it?
lunedì 22 ottobre 2012
...Italian Sexgate Bunga-Bunga...
Have You heard about Bunga Bunga?...maybe not?...what do You think about? it an Elegant Dinner and eventually dancing?...or is it an Artistic Burlesque Show?...or is it a Spicy Joke?...or...
"The Politcs Show!" - Il Teatrino di Corte, il MITO Azzurro, il Bunga Sogno degli Italiani !
..."We're All on the same Ship!"...I guess in Your Country there's a similar "Bunga Bunga" Sexgate I right?
giovedì 18 ottobre 2012
...Coppola e Lupara Chic Look...
They say that the new looks for next season is Military Chic: Enjoy the Bad Sicilian Girl look!...will you be a Bad Girl in uniform or a Good Girl?
...Have You a Coppola in Your wardrobe?
mercoledì 10 ottobre 2012
...The Art-Shoes Collections by Aurè...
Your Fashion Dream is Wearing the most exclusive SHOES. . .
Being the Only ONE to wear that Dream Shoes! . . .
Now to satisfy Your Fashion Dream AURE' did create the "Art-Shoes". . .
Enjoy the "Corda di Rafia/Rope Art-Shoes" by Aurè...Do you Like It?
Enjoy the "Siciliana Art-Shoes" by Aurè...Ti piacciono?
Enjoy the "Vampe di Fuoco/Fire'sFlames Art-Shoes" by Aurè...Do you Like It?
The Sicilian Artist Aurè with his ART-SHOES Collections want to give the Worldwide Women (and Men of course) something to Daydream about!. . . Enjoy the Cartoon and Please, Tell a Friend about! Thank You and Baci/Kisses to You.
Do You like the Art-Shoes by Aurè? are You dreaming to wearing them? Please, share Your Emotions, Your Feelings about...Thank You,Grazie!
lunedì 8 ottobre 2012
...The Politics Show:Obama-Romney or...
Il Teatrino della Politica:We're All on the same Ship!. . .
U.S.A. President's Election:Obama or Romney or maybe is better having a Woman as President?
What I liked most of the Democratic Convention was the passionate words of EvaLongoria & ScarlettJonhason.So Aurè says: A Woman, an Artist as Leader of our Ship and we let's Sail again!...What about?...
giovedì 4 ottobre 2012
...Love being into Your Dreams...
the Moon, the Cupido, Aurè and...You?...a Great Poet, Miriam , wrote a nice poem that She says I inspired Her,Enjoy!
Why Does the moon always seem to laugh at me?Does she enjoy my struggle and my pain?She hides my muse within her misty veil,
Cunningly plotting to trick me again.Another wretched day has ended,My paint brush and palette lay deathly still,My inspiration remains elusive, out of reach,Thus the empty canvas taunts me at will.'Paint me, Paint me fool,' it suddenly cries,'Can't you see I'm naked and cold?Cover me quickly with warm swirling colors,Magical colors that flow and explode.Sunny yellows, deep blues and violet,And shocking pinks streaked with passionate reds.Refreshing greens and exotic oranges,
Aren't any images floating around in your head?Paint those brassy buxom beauties,That drive the men crazy with their seductive lips.Dress these women in wind-swept short skirts,revealing voluptuous butts, thighs and hips.What more could a man ask for?Of course, with painted faces and red glossy lips,They'll likely look like a bunch of whores,Let's go, let your mind whirl and explore, need I say more?So, come on now, don't just sit there,With your hands parked behind your head.Night's approaching, the day is dying,It will soon be time for bed.''Silence, Silence,' the angry artist shouted,'Or I will slice you and your emptiness to shreds!How Can I paint when there's nothing but your canvass,To inspire me and drag worthy images from my head?
You think it's that easy to paint?Though it appears deceivingly so.I'm trapped in a well of lonelinessWith no lover to call my own.I won't just paint any old thing,That comes off the top of my head!I want to create my masterpiece,If not, let my talent stay dead!Leave me be, leave me to my nocturnal sorrow,
Where sleep will allow me to thankfully forget,And hope to find inspiration tomorrow,So I can at least pay some of my debts.'The Sun's gone down and the full moon streamsThrough my windows, so beautiful and sweet,Yet I toss and turn as beams caress my face Because peaceful sleep eludes my embrace.
I lay awake, completely exhaustedAs thoughts dance in my head,The night seems to go on forever, so,Maybe I'll go for a walk instead.The cool breeze lightly kisses my cheeks,The full moon hangs huge, low and bright,Suddenly out of nowhere, my muse comes alive,Crossing my path to lead me out of my plight.
She's a vision of loveliness, walking her dog.She smiles and says 'hello and good night!'My heart was smitten by cupid's arrow And I know that I'll never again be right.
Excited, I returned home for some sleep, to dream away my sorrow.In dreams I danced with my loveliness, cheek to cheek,As my buxom beauties bounced around beside us,Singing sweet songs, coming so alive, their cheap perfume made the air reek.When I awoke, emotion and dreams sprung from my brush,I filled canvas with the inner depths of my soul,I began to paint, stroke after stroke, with vivid colorsLeaving impressions quite pretty, yet bold.I am alive again, can't you see, my soul has been freed,My muse is no longer trapped by the night and the moon.I found inspiration and beauty and found my reprieve So it was worth it, and I'll do it all again very soon!
Why Does the moon always seem to laugh at me?Does she enjoy my struggle and my pain?She hides my muse within her misty veil,
Cunningly plotting to trick me again.Another wretched day has ended,My paint brush and palette lay deathly still,My inspiration remains elusive, out of reach,Thus the empty canvas taunts me at will.'Paint me, Paint me fool,' it suddenly cries,'Can't you see I'm naked and cold?Cover me quickly with warm swirling colors,Magical colors that flow and explode.Sunny yellows, deep blues and violet,And shocking pinks streaked with passionate reds.Refreshing greens and exotic oranges,
Aren't any images floating around in your head?Paint those brassy buxom beauties,That drive the men crazy with their seductive lips.Dress these women in wind-swept short skirts,revealing voluptuous butts, thighs and hips.What more could a man ask for?Of course, with painted faces and red glossy lips,They'll likely look like a bunch of whores,Let's go, let your mind whirl and explore, need I say more?So, come on now, don't just sit there,With your hands parked behind your head.Night's approaching, the day is dying,It will soon be time for bed.''Silence, Silence,' the angry artist shouted,'Or I will slice you and your emptiness to shreds!How Can I paint when there's nothing but your canvass,To inspire me and drag worthy images from my head?
You think it's that easy to paint?Though it appears deceivingly so.I'm trapped in a well of lonelinessWith no lover to call my own.I won't just paint any old thing,That comes off the top of my head!I want to create my masterpiece,If not, let my talent stay dead!Leave me be, leave me to my nocturnal sorrow,
Where sleep will allow me to thankfully forget,And hope to find inspiration tomorrow,So I can at least pay some of my debts.'The Sun's gone down and the full moon streamsThrough my windows, so beautiful and sweet,Yet I toss and turn as beams caress my face Because peaceful sleep eludes my embrace.
I lay awake, completely exhaustedAs thoughts dance in my head,The night seems to go on forever, so,Maybe I'll go for a walk instead.The cool breeze lightly kisses my cheeks,The full moon hangs huge, low and bright,Suddenly out of nowhere, my muse comes alive,Crossing my path to lead me out of my plight.
She's a vision of loveliness, walking her dog.She smiles and says 'hello and good night!'My heart was smitten by cupid's arrow And I know that I'll never again be right.
Excited, I returned home for some sleep, to dream away my sorrow.In dreams I danced with my loveliness, cheek to cheek,As my buxom beauties bounced around beside us,Singing sweet songs, coming so alive, their cheap perfume made the air reek.When I awoke, emotion and dreams sprung from my brush,I filled canvas with the inner depths of my soul,I began to paint, stroke after stroke, with vivid colorsLeaving impressions quite pretty, yet bold.I am alive again, can't you see, my soul has been freed,My muse is no longer trapped by the night and the moon.I found inspiration and beauty and found my reprieve So it was worth it, and I'll do it all again very soon!
venerdì 28 settembre 2012
...The Art-Shoes by Aurè...
Aurè know Your secret Fashion cravings: Wear the most exclusive Shoes...Being the Only One to wear that Dream Shoes!
Now to satisfy Your Fashion Dream Aurè did create the "Art-Shoes"...Enjoy the "Amore" Collection Spring-Summer 2013
"With the Art-Shoes Aurè is giving the Women something to Dream about..." Do You like them? What would You like to wear?
Youtube - The Art-Shoes by Aurè
"With the Art-Shoes Aurè is giving the Women something to Dream about..." Do You like them? What would You like to wear?
Youtube - The Art-Shoes by Aurè
venerdì 21 settembre 2012
...Love & Humour...
...Love & Humour...
La Seduzione dell'Ironia:l'Arte all'Italiana di Aurè, Enjoy!
- "Senorita, Ma quanto siete Bella! mi fate battere il Cuore Forte come le ali di una Farfalla! La Sua Bellezza è più splendente del Sole! Siete una Dea della Bellezza!"
- "ma quanto sei Fesso!"...Ahahaha...
"What a Beauty! You're a Masterpiece! Your Beauty is more shining than the Sun! You're a Goddess of Beauty & Style!...will You marry me?!?"
- "What a jackass!"...Ahahaha...
What's the comment about Your Beauty and Style of wearing that making You smile most?
domenica 16 settembre 2012
...Let's say:No wars!...
Perchè tanto Orrore?...Perchè tanto disprezzo della vita umana? eppure siamo Tutti sulla stessa Barca! - Bisogna cambiare Rotta:Basta Guerre...Why, why Wars? We're All on the same Ship!...MRS Secretary Ilary,Wake Up and change the Ship's course:Peace Now!
This's the answer to build a better World...doesnt't?
sabato 8 settembre 2012
...L'Incubo del Presidente...
We're All on the same Ship! and Mr President has a Nightmare:"from Eurozone's Countries is blowing a Bad wind to sailing with the Ship!"
Obana vive l'Incubo che la Crisi dell'Eurozona possa mandare in frantumi il suo Sogno della rielezione alla Casa-Bianca.
...W the President!...but after I did see and hear Eva & Scarlett at Democratic Convention I say:" Eva & Scarlett at Wite House!"...a Woman as President!
...what do You think about?
"The Politcs Show"...We're All on the same Ship...but now that the Ship is wreckred and It's burning due the Global Crisis we're living a new "Babele era"...All against All.."The Great Crisis come the Europe!"..."No, the Crisis did born in USA!"..."and so on...E' il "Teatrino della Politica!"
Remembering the Happy days when the Ship was sailing fast in the sea!...Enjoy the funniest Aurè's cartoon titled "The Voyage of the World's Leaders"...Ahahaha...
Tell/Tweet a Friend about the above Cartoon...make Him/Hher smile...Grazie!
martedì 4 settembre 2012
...Tuo per Sempre...
Il Teatro del Cuore:il Grande Amore della Vita, l'Unico per sempre!
Waiting for the Big, the True Love!
Have You found "il Grande Amore"?
sabato 1 settembre 2012
...Vampe di Passione!...
Red is the colour of Desire,Love,Lust,Passion...Isn't?
Ti piace leggere e-book Rosa? Sei pronta ad essere travolta da un'Ondata di Passione, di Trasgressione, da un Tourbillion di Gossip e di palpitante Eros?
Leggi il primo episodio dell'e-book illustrato da Aurè, Do You like read Pink-Fiction? so read & see the e-book illustrated by Aurè. click the following Link:
Maestro, mi fà il Ritratto?
sabato 25 agosto 2012
...Innamorarsi a...
Innamorarsi a Prima Vista! Il Teatro del Cuore: il Colpo di Fulmine!
Pasticceria Siciliana: Ti Amo!...Ti Sposerei subito!...
Amor a primera visa! Love at first sight...It's the most marvellous thing in the Life...Isn't it?
lunedì 20 agosto 2012
...Tintarella di Luna!...
They say that the sicilian full Moon is more shining than the Sun at noon in Your Let's go to to the beach to
Moontanning!...dont You?
sabato 11 agosto 2012
...Ferragosto time!...
Sunbathing and Enjoying the refreshing waves at Sicilian Seaside!...Do You like this Aurè's burlesque suit?
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