lunedì 28 gennaio 2013

...Red Shoes & jingle bell...

Scarpe Rosso Barocco Siciliano con la Campanella...così ad ogni passo suoneresti la più seducente delle Musiche...Please,now imagine Yourself wearing those Art-Shoes...obviously You'd be Unique, Irresisitble...Everbody will turn head staring at Your walking and hearing the heavenly sound of the jingle bell!
Ora, immagina di indossare queste Scarpe da Sogno..saresti Unica, Meravigliosa, la più Ammirata, la più più Chic del Sola a possedere le Scarpe create dall'Artista Aurè giusto per Te! Do You Own in Your wardrobe a Red Shoes+jingle-Bell?...Does the above Red-Shoes make fluttering fast Your Heart?...Please share Your Opinion, let me know...Thanks and Ciao!

12 commenti:

LOLA C. ha detto...

Adoro esos Zapatos!!!!!Un beso enorme Aurè. Baci!!!!!

Joypq ha detto...

Love shoes in all manifestations!!! :)

Thanks for ur comments :)

My blog By Joyce ♥

Z ha detto...

I received some beautiful red bell shoes for Christmas! These also look wonderful.

Alexandra Zakharova ha detto...

Illustration is so unusual and beautiful! Also thank you so incredibly much for the comment you'd left on my blog:)
Have a fabulous time!

Best wishes, Alexandra

Mandy ha detto...

Wish I could understand Italian Aure! But I love this artwork - the shoe is so interesting in its construction and the contours and colours used in the work are really unique. Such a beautiful depiction!

<3 Mandy xx

Liz Albuquerque ha detto...

those shoes look amazing :D i would love to own one :D

The Red Lil' Shoes Blog

R.ChamberofBeauty ha detto...

I love red shoes <3

Patricia Do Nascimento ha detto...

Nice blog!
Followed you back!

Anca ha detto...

Beautiful take on the classic red shoes <3.

Visit my blog, 101FashionStreet, where I have two giveaways going on.
A $80 Gift Voucher to MsDressy and a $100 Gift Voucher to ASOS.

Unknown ha detto...

Thank you for comming by again my dear!

Kisses from Bucharest

umi ha detto...

really nice!!

Cervin ha detto...

Je découvre votre blog et j'adore. Merci

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