mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012

...Love & Humour at 2013 Eve!...

"Ma Cara...non credi sia arrivato il momento di presentarmi ai Tuoi e di farmi entrare dalla Porta?!?"...Hahaha... Auguri di Felice Anno Nuovo, Happy New Year!... ...full of Humour and Love!...

mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012

...Buon Natale!...

Here's my Christmas Tree to say You: Merry Christmas wishes!... Hope, Fraternity, Friendship, Peace, Love ... Joy to All!

sabato 15 dicembre 2012

...Joy to All!...

Concertino Natalizio, Come on Let's sing..."Joy to All! Joy to All...Joy to fat People that do Christmas shopping and Joy to Miserable People that do Christmas dreaming...Joy to All...Could Christams give a Hope to all Desperate People of the World...Joy to All...Joy to All!"

mercoledì 12 dicembre 2012

...Do empty the Arsenals!...

In Italy the Crisis is in the wild, but our Politc Leaders want to buy new Armaments, They want to upgrade the Death Arsenal with newest USA War-Jets for a budget of millions of dollars! ...Unbelievable! ...Disgusting!...We're Indignados! What do You think about? Are You Indignados too?

Let's Explode The Peace!...LOVE not War! Our Politics Leaders should learn from past Leaders....Dario I King of Persia told "I dont bring the War, I offer Peace, Collaboration, Fraternity!"... ...This's the way to build a better World... So, Lets empty the War Arsenals!...tell to Your Local Politcs Leaders, tell to Your Friens around the World... Please, share Your opinion...Thanks, Grazie e Ciao!

giovedì 6 dicembre 2012

...Let's enjoy The Politics Show!..

Le petite Theatre de la Politique, Il Teatrino della Politica...che Spettacolo avvincente! racchiude tutto in sè Commedia, la Tragedia,la Farsa e allora che si apra il Sipario! so let's raise the curtain to enjoy the Show! ...Ahahaha...
Oh Nooo!...The Fiscal-Cliff Storm in USA and the Recession Hurricane in Eurozone Countries...The Endless Crisis is still Here!... L'anno sta terminando così come era cominciato...con la Crisi, con lo scontro di potere Democrazia-Finanza. Saranno in grado i Grandi Timonieri di salvare la nostra Barca dalla Tempesta? Will be able our Leaders to sail the Ship over the Storm in the 2013?... What about in Your Location, is there Crisis too? What You think about? Please,share Your comment...Grazie, Thanks and Ciao!
Remembering the Happy days when the Ship was sailing fast in the sea!...Ahahaha...Enjoy the funny Aurè's cartoon titled "The Voyage of the World's Leaders"...Ahahaha...Tell/Tweet a Friend about the above Cartoon...make Him/Hher smile...Grazie e Ciao!
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