domenica 28 luglio 2013

...SunTanning or MoonTanning?...

They say that in Summer the Sicilian full Moon is more shining than the noon's Sun at your location...What about,Is it true? the gorgeous Tgirl Pin-up is enjoying a Sicilian Moontanning wearing her fetish Rafia's Bikini...Tintarella di Luna Siciliana per la meravigliosa Tgirl!
The Italian Government maybe will make a law against Homophobia.What about in your location?...They say that in diversity there're Beauty,Strongness,Charisma, dont discriminate Tgirls!..."No Transfobia!",Let's say W the TGirls! ... What about?...Leave a comment,share your opinion...Thanks and Ciao!

lunedì 15 luglio 2013

...Hot Summer is here!...

Sun,Sea,Sand and...Smile!...let's have a laugh,Enjoy the funny Cartoon! "Amore,attenta hai dimenticato il Salvagente e sta arrivando la grande Cavallone!" "Amore mio...Ma quanto sei Fesso!"...Haha... "Darling,Warning you forgot the Lifebealt and the Big Wave is coming!" "'re a jackass!"...Haha...Is that funny or what?!?...
The Fetish Rafia's Bikini-Haute Couture by Aurè.Do you like it? leave a comment,share your opinion,Thanks and Ciao!

lunedì 8 luglio 2013

...the Obama's Nightmare!...

Have you seen Mr President wearing the virtual Fringe Hair-Style? Obama now has a Nightmare:Is it the Datagate?,Human Rights?, Guantanamo?, Global Crisis?, End the cruel Embargo to Cuban People?...No,his Nightmare Dilemma is: Fringe or not Fringe Style?...Haha...Enjoy the Cartoon!
W Mr President!...but is better looking Obama with or without Fringe?...haha...What about?...Mr.President should Change his hair style and wear a Fringe or should Change his Politcs?...Haha...leave a comment,share your opinion,Thanks and Ciao!

lunedì 1 luglio 2013

...Respect & Hope for the Migrants...

At Summertime with the suitable weather condition begin the Risky Boats Voyages of Migrants coming from Africa to South Sicily. Il rischioso viaggio in barca dei Migranti rappresenta la Sofferenza ma anche la voglia di vivere dei Poveri di tutto il Sud del Mondo:un Viaggio carico di Sogni,Speranze,Paure,Sofferenze,Miseria,Tragedie che si scontra con la miserabile Indifferenza dei grassi Paesi Europei...
Let's say: No Racism,give a Hope to Migrants fondo siamo Tutti nella stessa Barca,We're All on the same Boat! What you think about? leave a comment,share your opinion,Thanks and Ciao! -Breaking News:The Pope will visit South Sicily-Lampedusa isle to pray for the Migrants and give them Hope and will pray also for Sicilian People.
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